Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Midweek Mixdown: Optimo's JD Twitch spins Arthur Russell

Back in May, JD Twitch played a set of his favourite Arthur Russell tracks at the Barbican in London... have a listen below. 

Here's the scoop from JD Twitch...

"On May 25th 2024, to accompany the launch of his Arthur Russell book "Travels Over Feeling" Richard King put together an event at London's Barbican celebrating Arthur's life with an all star musical cast recreating and reimagining his music.

"I was thrilled to be invited to play a DJ set in the foyer afterwards. I have been an Arthur Russell devotee for 30 years and decided to play an all Arthur Russell DJ set*. The atmosphere was very special with lots of love transmitting back and forth from the DJ booth to the dancefloor. I really felt a freedom to slowly build it up playing so many of my favourite AR tracks and it was one of my very favourite DJ gis of 2024 so far." 

Have a listen to the set right here

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