Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Whaddya mean you don't know Bro. James Lide

Check out "Call God In Glory," a 1985 private press single from New York gospel guitar slinger Bro. James Lide.  

Here's the scoop from Adam Lore of 50 Miles of Elbow Room...

Bro. James Lide cut this remarkable, visionary 45 in 1985, apparently in Jamaica, Queens. Similar to his Jamaica neighbor Milford Graves, Bro. Lide self-published dispatches that meld traditional & forward-thinking approaches. He sounds increasingly inspired as “Call God in Glory” progresses, taking the song further & further out, his idiosyncratic guitar adding a bracing, unpredictable edge. Albert Ayler famously said, "It's not about notes anymore; it’s about feelings.” I bet Bro. Lide would agree. 

Bro. Lide cut at least one other 45, See Jesus / Jesus First, also on House of Publishing. Further information about Bro. Lide & his records would be gratefully welcomed. 

Check out other overlooked roots and gospel gems from mysterious guitar evangelists, accordion aces and other folks making a joyful noise on the 50 Miles Of Elbow Room Soundcloud page right here. Be sure to visit the excellent and dependable 50 Miles Of Elbow Room mail order site for similar off-the-beaten path treasures you won't likely find anywhere else. 

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