Monday, May 1, 2023

Jenny Whiteley celebrates 20 years of Hopetown @ Moonshine Café, May 4

Jenny will be joined by Joey Wright, Amy Millan & pals at Oakville's Moonshine Café at 8 pm.

Here's the scoop on Hopetown...
Hopetown is a collection of songs that may seem more traditional in content at first glance: lost love, prison misery, a “where’s he at?” lament. Dig a little deeper, however, and you’ll hear that The Halls Of Folsom is about not wanting to leave prison, and that No Reason Blues is about anxiety and the need to worry about something. There are some great country songs here too…I Never Knew (written with Hearbreak Hill’s Chris Quinn and Dottie Cormier) and I Know How To Say Goodbye (co-written with Colin Linden) tug at the heartstrings, while more the ethereal Circus is In Town and the evocative Hallelujah Haircut (a co-write with Fred Eaglesmith) take the album down some winding dirt roads and into an eccentric small town of the mind. Just when you think your ride is over, the haunting and beautiful a Capella Day to Day rounds out the album, leaving the taste of love and honey in your mouth, as the claw hammer banjo echoes through the hills. 
The title Hopetown comes from a village outside of Kingston: “We were driving home from doing a music program at a camp for developmentally challenged adults, which had been a fantastic experience, and we missed our turn and ended up in Hopetown. The name on the road sign just jumped out at me. A few years ago, I would have used it sarcastically, that was just my sense of humour, but now I really feel uplifted by the title. It reflects my life more than the work in some ways…don’t worry, there are still lots of broken hearts and murder and even a prison song on the album, for all of my fans out there!” 

You can get a copy of Jenny Whiteley's Hopetown album via Bandcamp right here

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