Monday, June 17, 2024

Redd Kross shares new single "I'll Take Your Word For It"

Check out the video for "I'll Take Your Word For It" off the forthcoming Redd Kross album. They play Lee's Palace July 29th.

Here's the scoop...

Oh happy day, you are in for a treat with this one, the Janglerrific third single from our forthcoming self titled double album REDD KROSS. 

Steven McDonald had this to say about the song and accompanying video: 

““I’ll Take Your Word For It” although based on real events it is not about any specific person.  It’s an amalgamation of several types, that so called friend that always seems to bring up the ex, or perhaps a working relationship that ended poorly despite your best and most earnest attempts at civility.  “Are you my friend, are you my foe?  I don’t know”. The video I suppose offers one possible antidote for this situation.  When you’re contemplating telling your nemesis to take a hike, maybe it’s smarter to put on your best suit, matching bass, and matching band (if you’re as lucky as me) and take a hike yourself.  That’s what I did and it made me feel so much better.” – Steven McDonald

And with that we’ll say check out “I’ll Take Your Word For It”.  We hope you dig it. 

Masterfully directed by Steve Appleford. Edited by Brian Durkin. 

Don’t forget to come see us on our North American Summer tour starting July 2nd. Hott damn!!!

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