Sunday, March 3, 2024

Singer/songwriter Mike Johnson shares early 4-track recordings

Mike Johnson just shared his "Waste" cassette collection of his early solo 4-track recordings circa 1986-1989 via Bandcamp.

Here's the scoop from Mike Johnson...

My first solo venture was this 1989 very limited release cassette of 4-track recordings. I don't remember how many copies got made, certainly less than fifty possibly closer to half that. This stuff wasn't initially done with the intent for release but as sketches of songs for possible use by the band, songwriting experiments or just messing around. For some reason I decided to put out a cassette. Here's that cassette with 9 more tracks of the same vintage. 

*The audio is fairly haphazard due to my lack of experience and expertise in recording, dropouts and other audio imperfections are present due to that and the precarious state of the cassette master sources. 

Big thanks to Kathy Molloy and Jeff Cellers for helping me put this together as I have lost the majority of my tapes over the years.

Recordings from 1986-1989. 

All instruments played by Mike Johnson 

All songs written by Mike Johnson,  No One Cares, BMI. 

Get a digital version of Mike Johnson's "Waste"  cassette via Bandcamp right here.  Listen below. 

Mike Johnson - Waste (cassette)

1. Shut Your Eyes 3:11

2. Left To Say 2:24

3. Pass Away 1:45

4. Circle 2:45

5. Separation 3:47

6. World Outside 3:16

7. Destiny 2:11

8. What No One Knows 2:00

9. Tear It Away 2:55

10. Pass By 4:12

You can also get a digital download of Mike Johnson's "Bon Vivant" cassette – with J Mascis on drums! – right here.

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