Sunday, May 16, 2021

Nap Eyes vs. Bonnie Raitt

Halifax's Nap Eyes revisited Bonnie Raitt's "Thank You" for their When I Come Around EP out now. 

Sez Nap Eyes singer and songwriter Nigel Chapman...
“Bonnie Raitt is an unbelievable singer. Not just in an impressive, virtuosic, and technical way—all which of course she is. But hers is a deeply evocative, expressive, and personal style. She’s a master of timing, dynamics, inflection, and cadence, who decisively communicates the meaning and subtle emotional tone of a lyric in a way that few singers in any genre ever approach. She is also an outrageously good guitar player, songwriter and performer, all of which has made her work standout for decades. In her resonant shadow we humbly offer this cover.” - Nigel Chapman

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