Ric's Boxing Week Blowout continues

50% OFF  
Vinyl, CDs, DVDs, Cassettes, etc.

Check out the insanely deep selection of rare records 
including: roots reggae, gospel boogie, outlaw country, classic rock, bluegrass, Eastern European progressive, old-school soul, hair metal, disco, R&B, surf, new wave, electronic, sunshine psych, spiritual jazz, calypso, goth,  spoken word, loner folk, comedy, hip hop, bossa nova, Maritimes fiddling, cumbia, classical guitar, Bollywood soundtracks, male/female vocals, salsa, big band, honky tonk, exotica, calypso, Spanish guitar, Jesus psych, banjo, pop, Canuck country, minimal synth and just about anything else you're after!   

1006 Queen East (near Pape)
Dec. 28 thru Dec. 30
9 am - 6 pm

Happy Birthday Lemmy!

The Sky Is Burning (1969) by Sam Gopal feat. Lemmy

Merry Xmakwanhanuramachristakadanzamas!

Chuck Mead cleverly crafted a holiday tune certain to confound folks of all nations and denominations.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Friday, December 14, 2012

One For The Weekend: Clark Terry

Cheers to jazz trumpet titan Clark Terry who turns 92 today!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Whatever happened to Jack Cook?

Could this be the mysterious Jack Cook who recorded Walk Another Mile with "Audiofaze" for Ruby?

Happy Birthday Tom Waits!

Tom Waits was in top form in 1979 as you'll see in the clips below from the Palace Theatre in Paris.

Heartattack and Vine

Till The Money Runs Out

Annie's Back In Town

Saturday, December 1, 2012